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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Microsoft Live Meeting Soon to Be Upgraded to Microsoft Lync Online Online

Microsoft Lync 2010, the next generation of Microsoft Office Communications Server, can help your customers reach new levels of performance and productivity by making connections more engaging, productive, and accessible. With a single interface that unites communications, supports a variety of mobile devices, and offers interoperability with existing systems, Lync Server enables connections—virtually anytime, anywhere. It does this by bringing together the different ways people communicate together in a single interface that facilitates rapid user adoption that reduces both capital and operational costs. Customers can choose to use the fully hosted Lync Online as a pure cloud service or split cloud/on-premise service with the Lync Server.

What can it do?

  • It's a single interface that unites voice, instant messaging (IM), audio, video, and web conferencing.
  • Lync Server 2010 can deployed on-premise or in a hosted or hybrid environment.
  • Stay connected virtually anywhere with an Internet connection through mobile or web access, and still have security features outside the firewall without need of a VPN connection.
  • Connects with other public instant messaging networks such as Windows Live, AOL, Yahoo!, and Google Talk. Audio and video calls with users on Windows Live Messenger is supported.

  • Search for others based on skill, expertise, and group information.
  • View the presence of contacts and communicate with them via voice, video, sharing applications, or sharing PowerPoints.
  • With the new Activity Feed, you can see your contacts' status updates, contact photos, location, and other activities.
  • Web Conferencing: Share documents, presentations, annotate slides, and use visual pointers for more effective discussions via instant messaging and online meetings.
  • Schedule meetings from Outlook and join via the PC, phone, or web access.
  • Lync Online Audio Conference Calling is available through a very limited number of approved conference call providers including Communique Conferencing.
What happens to the Existing Live Meeting Service?

With the introduction of Office 365, Microsoft is introducing the new Lync Online service. Lync Online is a single interface that unites voice, instant messaging (IM), audio, video, and web conferencing. New customers who buy Office 365 will be given Lync Online instead of Live Meeting.

Existing BPOS customers, Live Meeting will still be available in Office 365 for transition purposes. It will coexist along side Lync Online, with access to new meetings scheduled in Lync Online and already existing meetings scheduled in Live Meeting.